Today I created my first tetra pack collagraph. The printing plate is made out of an used orange juice carton, which has a shiny foil like interior. The process involves removing thin layers of the foil with a craft knife. The parts without the foil layer will absorb the ink and become the black/darker elements of the print. It is a simple process and you can follow this video below by the company Handprinted to find out how to do it.
I use AQUA intaglio ink bought from Jacksons Art Suppliers, a great printmaking supplier
This is my prepared plate created by using a kraft knife to peel off the top foil later of the Tetra pack, and an etching needle to score into it.

This is the inked up plate before printing. I have applied the ink with a piece of mount card, removed most of the ink with a piece of scrim, rubbed it with a piece of tissue paper to soften the tones. To create the lighter parts (like the roof of the shed), I have removed more ink with a cotton bud.

This is the print, printed on Fabriano paper. I think the grainy quality of the print feels like an old photograph and I love the nostalgia that brings.

I have been inspired by the work of Karen Wicks. She is an experimental printmaker inspired by abandoned, derelict military and functional architecture.

